The ability to drive immunity in two directions suggested the involvement of dendritic cells. Decades of subsequent research revealed the physiologic priming in ECP turned out to be the interaction of platelets with blood monocytes to make dendritic cells.
Dr Edelson realised that platelet-activated monocytes could revolutionize the field of dendritic cell therapies. For decades these therapies had struggled clinically to match the impact of natural dendritic cells in vivo. This was largely due to their method of production, which required the contortion of mixing monocytes with cytokines in a highly non-physiologic manner over several days. Transimmune was established to exploit this radically simple method of producing dendritic cells and use them as a platform to build therapeutics capable of a truly physiologic partnership with the immune network.
Our Timeline
Unexpected clinical resultsEdelson reports first cases of successful treatment of cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL) patients using ECP. New England Journal of Medicine Vol.316 (6) 1987.READ MORE
ECP Regulatory ApprovalFDA grants J&J Therakos approval for use of ECP to treat CTCLREAD MORE
Wider clinical use of ECPPublication of use of ECP in management of cardiac transplant Rejection. New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 339 (24) 1998.READ MORE
ECP - a dendritic cell therapyPublication of role of dendritic cell priming as key to ECP mechanism. Blood 2010 Vol. 116 (23)READ MORE
Transimmune foundedTransimmune AG incorporated and raises $5m seed investment from QureInvest Fund. Foundational patents filed.
ECP market leader aquiredMallinckrodt acquires ECP market leader Therakos for $1.3bn.
Endorsement by ECP cliniciansAmerican Council for ECP Consensus paper endorses Transimmune’s science. J Clin Apher Vol. 33(4) 2018.READ MORE
Endorsement by ECP Market LeaderMallinckrodt strikes research collaboration with Transimmune.
Building cell therapy platformInitiated research program with Emory University and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Major Grant AwardAward of inaugural ARPA-H grant with Emory, Yale and University of GeorgiaREAD MORE
Our People